Willie Free 5k


Don't want to run? Come and help out! We need a few volunteers along the course, and others to help with the day-of-race registration.

Send an e-mail to willie@free5k.com if you want to help out! Volunteers are welcome to order a t-shirt as well. (However, since it is a free event you will still have to pay for it.) Include in your e-mail whether a t-shirt should be ordered for you.


While running the Willie Free 5k will not cost anything, there are some costs associated with the supplies and equipment needed to manage the event.

If you'd like to donate needed supplies or prizes for the runners, contact Willie before the event at willie@free5k.com.

Needed Supplies

Special Thanks

The following deserve special recognition for volunteering or donating needed supplies for the event in past years:

Dorothy Gillespie, Jeanna Clayson, Jodi Cross, Lisa Jenkins, Kylee Dayton, Alyssa Lambert, Gina Orgill, Deatra Fawcett, Ron Smith, Joanna Snyder, Keri Wheeler, Brooke Silvester, McKay Nelson, Philip Gillespie, Alicia Finn, Nancy Jenkins, John Gillespie, Allyson Bullock, Noel Jenkins, Bryan Robison, Carl George, Nicole Holmes, Jennifer Englis, Janae Simmons, Valerie Snyder, Suzy Hale, Karen Heiss, Daren Wheeler, Lisa Burt, Ken Knoch, Ammon City, Taylorview Junior High School, Engineering System Solutions, Dome Technology, Richard Anderson Design, Jeff Larson, Jen Lee, Jody Nielson, Jeremy Klein, Kent Davies, Kristin Stewart, Heidi Buttars, Marty Moore, Ellisa Longmore, Emily Richards, Stacey Lewis, Kristen Mortensen, Diana Yates, Lisa Anderson, James Gillespie